How to Talk to Your Partner About ED

Man and woman using tablet to research ED

If you’re frequently unable to develop or maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse, it’s possible you have erectile dysfunction, or ED. Discussing ED with your partner can feel awkward, but it’s important to talk things over with your partner so you can work together to find a solution that has as minimal of an impact on your relationship as possible.

Wondering if your symptoms may qualify as ED? Take our free Symptom Checker Quiz today.

What to Know About ED Before Talking to Your Partner

It’s not your (or your partner’s) fault.

A common misconception is that a man experiences erectile dysfunction because he’s not aroused (or “turned on”) enough, which can open the door to blaming yourself or your partner for things that might be irrelevant to the root cause of the issue. It’s not only unfair, but oftentimes, it’s inaccurate — ED can be caused by a number of complex factors, such as underlying physical or mental conditions or issues with blood supply. There’s no need to feel guilty, assign blame or apologize.

Couple facing away from one another, assigning blame for ED

It’s a common issue.

One major study found that roughly half of all men will experience some degree of erectile dysfunction. It’s estimated that ED affects around 30 million men in the United States, and while it becomes more common with age, ED can affect men at many different stages of life. If you feel alone, you’re definitely not — it can help to reach out to other men experiencing similar challenges through outlets like men’s health forums or Facebook groups.

It’s treatable.

ED is far from permanent — there are a number of ways to treat your symptoms (including medications and therapy) that can minimize its impact on your relationships and sex life. Your healthcare provider can help you find the right treatment for you.

Man talking about ED with a female doctor that is supportive

How to Discuss Your Erectile Dysfunction With Your Partner

When and where is the right time to talk about ED?

It’s important to discuss topics like this when you and your partner are both in a place in your relationship where you’re comfortable and open to conversation around this topic. Most couples won’t feel comfortable discussing something like ED in a public place, and catching your partner when they’re feeling particularly stressed or upset may mean they’ll be less receptive to hearing about it. Additionally, broaching the topic during sex may seem like a natural fit, but heightened emotions in the moment may not make it the most productive time to hold a discussion.

Finding a private, relaxed moment when you’re both in the right headspace to be supportive will take a lot of pressure off the conversation. This might be when you’re sharing a drink, watching your favorite show together, or taking a walk or a long drive.

Smiling couple sitting together on the couch

Embrace open communication.

ED is a deeply personal issue for most men; as such, you should be ready to discuss any challenges you’re facing openly and honestly. Once you’re able to comfortably approach topic of sex with your partner, you can acknowledge that you’ve had some difficulty maintaining an erection at times. You can use this moment to reassure your partner that this is not their fault. Address any insecurities that may come up; it can also be important to reassure your partner that this has nothing to do with shortcomings on their part or yours — understand that ED is caused by outside factors that neither of you has immediate control over.

Once you share your thoughts and feelings, make sure to give your partner an opportunity to respond and express their own feelings as well. It’s OK to be emotional if those feelings come up, but remember that the conversation is a give and take — focus on keeping your ED conversation on track and know that there are ways to treat symptoms safely and effectively. Most partners will be supportive and willing to listen to any concerns you may have; if they’re finding the conversation difficult, try sharing some educational resources to help answer any questions or concerns they may have.

Relaxed couple talking together

Discuss possible next steps.

Now that you’ve brought your concerns out into the open, you can work on finding a solution together. ED is very treatable, with various solutions available depending on the underlying cause of your symptoms and your lifestyle. Some of these treatments include:

  • • Oral medications, such as sildenafil
  • • Injectable medications, such as TriMix
  • • Talk therapy
  • • Vacuum devices to increase blood flow

Many men experience internal stigma when it comes to seeking treatment for ED, but with the support of a partner, appropriate treatment can resolve your symptoms and improve your sex life overall. When you’re ready to pursue treatment, talk to your healthcare provider to help decide on the right course of action for you.

Couple researching ED together on a laptop

I’m still not ready to discuss ED with my partner. When should I seek outside help?

That’s OK! If you still feel uncertain about broaching the topic of ED with your partner, bringing in a professional sex therapist may be helpful. A sex therapist is a mental health practitioner with additional training in human sexuality. They specialize in helping individuals and couples with concerns they have surrounding physical intimacy through talk therapy, including addressing ED. 

There are a number of online resources, like Psychology Today, which can help you find a reputable sex therapist located nearby, or match you with one that provides telehealth services.

Couple meeting with a sex therapist to discuss ED

My partner has ED. What should I do?

If you’ve noticed your partner experiencing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, discussing it can be difficult, especially if they have yet to bring up the topic themselves. There are a few things you can do to help make the conversation go as smoothly as possible:

1. Educate yourself. 

Understanding the symptoms, causes and treatments for ED is an important part of having a productive, supportive conversation with your partner. Coming to the table with reputable information can take the pressure off your partner and help you approach the discussion from a place of compassion and understanding. Some good places to start are:

Woman researching ED on her laptop

2. Be open and supportive.

The advice above is applicable not only to the partner experiencing ED, but to yourself as well. Finding the right time to talk, approaching the topic openly and honestly, educating yourself, and reassuring your partner will help facilitate a productive conversation.

3. Let your partner know you’re OK with ED treatments.

While it might not seem like a big deal, your partner may feel insecure about starting treatment. Many men struggle with the idea of what their partner may think about their use of ED treatments like oral medications and injectables. Letting them know that you’re comfortable with them using prescription medications to reduce the severity of their ED and supporting them can mean a lot to someone who’s afraid to seek out treatment.

On the other hand, avoid pressuring your partner into immediate treatment. Some men may need more time to consider their options before pursuing treatment — let your partner handle it in their own time, but let them know you’ll be there for them when they’re ready.

Happy couple cuddling together and laughing

Taking the next step: what should I do after discussing with my partner?

Once you’ve talked with your partner, the next step to resolving your ED is seeking treatment from a healthcare provider, such as your primary care physician or a urologist. 

Need help getting started? We’ve compiled 5 essential questions to ask your doctor about ED, along with a free checklist of information to prepare ahead of your appointment and additional questions that may be helpful to bring up.

With appropriate care, ED doesn’t have to be a barrier to a healthy relationship. And taking charge of your treatment with the support of your partner can make it all the easier to resolve your concerns and experience a more satisfying, enjoyable sex life.

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What Medically Assisted Weight Loss Options Are There?

Obese Woman Measuring Waist

For millions of Americans, weight loss can be a very daunting, seemingly impossible task. It requires a complete shift in eating habits, exercise regimens, water intake and more. It’s no easy feat, and it’s typically the ones who have ongoing support who have the most success in their weight-loss journey.


Obesity in the U.S. Today

Obesity in the U.S. has become a significant health concern over the past few decades. According to the CDC, the prevalence of obesity in adult Americans has risen from 30.5% in 1999 – 2000 to 42.4% in 2017 – 2018.

It can negatively impact day-to-day life in many ways (including fatigue, sleep apnea, breathing problems, joint and back pain, low self-esteem and more) and is a major contributor to deadly illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and several forms of cancer.  


What Is Medically Assisted Weight Loss?

Physician sitting with obese patient and filling out paperwork

As many patients struggle (and often fail) to lose weight on their own, many physicians have developed a helpful solution to offer obese patients: medically assisted weight-loss programs. These programs are designed to help patients overcome their weight-loss challenges in a safe, healthy way that includes a customized diet plan, exercise routine, prescribed medication(s) and medical supervision to help promote healthy weight loss based on their individual needs.

Medically supervised weight-loss programs provide patients with the resources needed to lose weight and maintain it, as well as sustain a healthier lifestyle. Many patients who have taken advantage of these programs have experienced an improved quality of life and are now at a much lower risk for obesity-related illnesses — many of which can be life-threatening.

Who Is a Candidate for Medically Assisted Weight Loss?

The candidates for medically assisted weight loss usually include anyone who:

  • — Has a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30
  • — Has a BMI greater than 27 and has a serious medical problem related to obesity, such as diabetes or high blood pressure
  • — Hasn’t been able to successfully lose weight through diet and exercise on their own

For anyone interested in undergoing bariatric surgery (also referred to as “weight loss surgery”), it’s important to know that some insurances actually require patients to enroll in a medically supervised weight-loss program prior to surgery to ensure the patient is serious about making a change in their lifestyle long-term.


What Does a Medically Assisted Weight-Loss Program Monitor?

The best medically assisted weight loss programs monitor things like:

  • — Caloric intake
  • — Water intake
  • — Exercise routine
  • — Blood pressure 
  • — Sugar levels
  • — Heart rate
  • — Reactions to medication
  • — Psychological state of mind
  • — Emotional state of mind

Some programs also offer referrals to bariatric psychologists, nutritionists and other medical professionals to help support successful weight loss.


Types of Medically Assisted Weight Loss Programs 

There are a variety of different programs designed around medically supervised weight loss that can be minimally invasive (diet and exercise) to highly invasive (surgery). New programs and medications are always being developed, so the exact method may vary depending on what the patient and their physician both feel is the best approach to meet the patient’s goals and needs. Here are a few of the most common techniques used in medically assisted weight loss:


Meal-Replacement Plans

This medically supervised weight-loss option uses a combination of pre-packaged meal replacements and counseling to help assist with weight loss. They are usually set up in phases for patients to grow accustomed to the changes and also typically include educational materials to help patients as they go back to preparing their own meals again. According to Obesity News Today, some programs that fall in this category include OPTIFAST, Health Management Resources (HMR), Advanced Health System (AHS), New Direction (Robard Corporation) and Medi-fast.


Surgical Weight Loss

Over the past few decades, surgical weight loss (or “bariatic surgery”) has become an increasingly popular option for some qualified obese and morbidly obese patients. 

Bariatric surgery is a type of operation that’s designed to assist with weight loss by making surgical adjustments to the digestive system. Some bariatric surgeries decrease the size of the stomach to shrink the amount of space for food and drink at one time, whereas others alter the small intestine, which absorbs calories and nutrients from the foods and drinks a person consumes.

This method is definitely one of the more extreme forms of weight loss and is usually geared for obese individuals who need to lose a lot of weight to reverse or cope with health problems like sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes or other similar health problems. One thing to keep in mind is that some bariatric surgeons require patients to lose a certain amount of weight prior to surgery to minimize or mitigate complications from anesthesia, as morbidly obese patients are at increased risk for complications.

Weight-Loss Vitamin Injectables

Doctor Holding Up Vial of Vitamins

For many, a meal-replacement plan may not be enough and surgical weight loss may be too extreme for what’s needed to lose weight. That’s where vitamin injections can be a good alternative approach. 

In addition to a diet and exercise plan, vitamin injections may be used in medically assisted weight loss to help reduce appetite, build muscle and promote a healthy immune system. 

B12 and other fat-burning injections may help individuals lose weight while still maintaining energy. These fat-burning medications are often referred to as lipotropic injections.

These injections are a great way to send nutrients directly into the bloodstream, ensuring 100% absorption of active ingredients. With vitamin injectables from Olympia, patients can rest assured they’re getting the exact custom dosage of nutrients prescribed by their physician. 

You can learn more about all of these options in our guide to medically supervised weight loss.

Get Started with Medically Assisted Weight Loss at Olympia

At Olympia Pharmacy, we offer a wide variety of compounded medications specially formulated to help you reach your weight-loss goals. Whether you’re a patient looking to lose weight yourself or a physician looking for a weight-loss program to offer patients, Olympia can help you get started. Contact a weight-loss specialist today to learn more.


Contact a Weight-Loss Specialist


What Are Some Treatments for Obesity?

If you or someone you know is struggling with obesity, it’s hard to know where to turn or what to do about it. Thankfully, obesity is treatable and can be addressed in a variety of ways.

If you’re wondering: “What are some treatments for obesity?”, here is a little bit about what obesity is and what treatment options are available to you to use in a safe, healthy way on your weight-loss journey.


Obesity: Defined

Obesity is classified as a person having a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 or higher and is diagnosed only by a healthcare professional. It’s a curable disease that has multiple forms of treatment, depending on the health needs of the patient. There are many serious obesity-related illnesses to be aware of, including:

  • — Diabetes
  • — Gallbladder disease
  • — Heart disease
  • — High blood pressure
  • — High cholesterol
  • — Osteoarthritis
  • — Depression
  • — Sleep apnea
  • — Heartburn
  • — Stroke
  • — Cancer


Obese vs. Overweight

Closeup of obese senior citizen pinching midsection

If an individual has a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9, they’re considered overweight. This can be a major health concern. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean the individual is obese (as that BMI starts at 30.0). Overweight individuals should be aware that their current weight can lead to more weight gain as well as other health problems, including obesity, if not addressed.

Severe obesity (or morbid obesity) is classified as someone who weighs more than 100 pounds over their healthy body weight for their height and their BMI is greater than 40. These individuals have the greatest risk for serious health problems and should seek the advice of a medical professional for help.


Causes of Obesity

Obesity is not caused solely from overeating — there are many different causes of this disease that vary greatly from person to person. These causes can include a high-fat diet, a sedentary lifestyle, genetics, a health condition, an injury that limits mobility, the use of certain medications that cause weight gain, environmental factors, sleep deprivation and more.


What Are Some Treatments for Obesity?

Treatment 1: A Diet That’s Designed for Your Body Type


The first approach to losing weight that many people start with is a strict diet plan. By reducing caloric intake, eliminating certain foods that are high in fats/sugars/additives, and starting a high-fiber/low-fat diet, obese individuals can start to experience healthy weight loss.


For some, this may be the main treatment needed to see results. However, for many, it’s not enough. Plus, many people cannot sustain their diet plan long-term and end up binge eating as a result. Or, there may be other factors that are contributing to the person’s weight gain and dieting may not be enough to offset those.

There are also risks associated with “crash dieting” (an attempt at losing weight very quickly, often using extreme, unhealthy measures) to be mindful of, including new health problems, vitamin deficiencies and failure to keep off weight long-term. Fad diets like keto or Atkins may end up depriving dieters of essentials vitamins, which can lead to having to buy supplements to accommodate.


Treatment 2: Increased Physical Activity


As many of us know, the more active we are, the more calories we’re able to burn. According to the CDC, 60 – 90 minutes of moderately intense activity is recommended most days of the week for exercising. The advantage of increased physical activity is that you’re helping increase the rate at which you burn the excess calories being stored in your body. Getting exercise through things like walking, gardening, swimming, climbing stairs, etc. are going to help you see better results than remaining sedentary most of the day.


On its own, this can be a very time-consuming process — especially if the individual’s diet hasn’t been altered. To lose just one pound of fat, 3,500 calories must be burned. Another disadvantage to only relying on physical activity to combat obesity is that anyone who isn’t used to exercising regularly is at a higher risk for injury or other health risks. Strenuous activities should always be consulted with a physician before performing.


Treatment 3: Surgery


Depending on the needs of the patient, surgery for weight loss can involve removing part of a person’s stomach (making it smaller) or it can bypass part of the digestive system. Having a surgical procedure can help not only with weight loss but also with reducing other health risks like diabetes, high blood pressure and other obesity-related illnesses.


This option is highly invasive — it is, after all, surgery. There are always negative side effects that could be associated with surgery, including lengthy recovery times, unanticipated expenses, complications, etc. Plus, although this option may be necessary and helpful for some severely obese individuals, it’s important to note that some insurances will require patients to enroll in a medically supervised weight-loss program prior to scheduling surgery to ensure the patient is taking an active part in making a long-term change in their lifestyle.


Treatment 4: Medically Supervised Weight Loss (*Our Pick)


At Olympia, we believe medically assisted weight loss is the best option. Why? It combines several treatment types listed above (done correctly) to form one powerful weapon against obesity — replacing weight-loss medication with specially formulated vitamin injectables or oral supplements that are designed to help reduce appetite, build muscle and promote a healthy immune system.

When a balanced diet and a manageable exercise plan are paired with vitamin injectables that can help patients healthily drop weight, the potential for significant weight loss opens up. You can learn more in our medically supervised weight loss guide or contact us today to learn more about a medically supervised weight-loss plan that’s right for you.


If medical supervision is performed by a professional physician, there shouldn’t be any disadvantages associated with this form of treatment. This is because the physician plays an active role in the monitoring and adjusting of treatment based on how the patient is responding to the treatment. A reputable healthcare provider will select a medical weight loss program based on your goals that’s safe and effective.


Finding the Right Treatment for You

woman standing with middle-aged male patient, looking down at a scale and smiling

Each body is different and has its own unique needs. The best thing to do is review and further research your options, and then consult with a physician on what treatment might be best for you.

At Olympia Pharmacy, we offer a range of compounded medications that are designed to help you reach your weight-loss goals. Whether you’re a patient seeking treatment yourself or a physician in search of a trusted weight-loss program to offer your patients, Olympia can help. Learn more about your options by contacting a weight-loss specialist today.

Contact a Weight-Loss Specialist



Vitamin IV Therapy Pros and Cons

IV Vitamin Therapy Drip Bag Hanging

Vitamin IV Therapy Pros and Cons

If you’re someone considering vitamin IV therapy but aren’t yet sure if it’s safe or even right for you, you (understandably) need both sides of the equation to make the most informed decision. That’s why we’ve compiled some of the most common pros and cons of vitamin IV therapy for you to review and take into consideration before proceeding.


First, an Intro to Vitamin IV Therapy

Patient Receiving IV Nutrient Therapy

Vitamin IV therapy (also referred to as IV nutrient therapy, IV therapy, IV nutritional therapy and intravenous therapy) is a type of therapy commonly used for a variety of health benefits, including age management, improved immunity, illness prevention, detoxification and more. Many also use IV therapy to quickly rehydrate after a major sporting event, to relieve symptoms of a hangover and to help rejuvenate skin.

While there are a variety of different formulas available to choose from, almost all IV nutrition kits consist of a unique blend of highly potent vitamins, minerals or other nutrients. These solutions are injected directly into the bloodstream (by a trained medical professional), which can lead to faster, more effective results than if consumed orally. In fact, according to Dena Westphalen, PharmD—a clinical pharmacist at Healthline—she claims: “While you’re undergoing an IV vitamin drip, your body is receiving a higher concentration of the vitamins themselves. A vitamin that’s taken by mouth gets broken down in the stomach and digestive tract, and is limited on how much can be absorbed (50 percent). If, however, the vitamin is given through an IV, it’s absorbed at a much higher percentage (90 percent).”

The infusion process can take anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour and should always be administered and monitored by a licensed medical professional.


The Pros

There are many benefits that may result from the use of vitamin IV therapy. Here are some of the most common reasons patients opt for this form of nutrient therapy:

Quick Absorption

Nurse applying an IV drip to a patient - what is IV nutrition

One major benefit of vitamin IV therapy is that the nutrients packed into each dose can be absorbed into the body quickly. As mentioned previously, because it’s administered directly into the bloodstream, those nutrients can be absorbed at a much higher percentage (90 percent). That unlocks the potential for significantly faster results, giving patients a quick and easy experience that doesn’t require too much of a time commitment.

Energy Booster

Many patients turn to IV therapy to help reverse the symptoms of fatigue and a slowed metabolism. Some products, like Olympia Pharmacy’s Get-Up-And-Go IV Kit, are designed for just that. With mixtures that include ingredients like B-complex vitamins and essential amino acids, IV therapy may help patients get a kickstart in their metabolism and feel more energized throughout the day.

Anti-Aging Combatant

When it comes to aging, everyone’s body responds differently. Some may see the most change in their skin, hair and nails, while others may be more affected in their energy levels. 

While there are other anti-aging options available to help with age management, like using anti-aging creams or dermal fillers, it’s important to note that utilizing vitamin IV therapy is often regarded by physicians as a quick and potent treatment because it’s administered directly into the bloodstream and enters a person’s system within seconds.

In addition to exercising, sleeping well, drinking lots of water and consuming water-rich foods (like melons, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, etc.) on a regular basis, IV therapy can be a great complementary method of helping replenish fluids and combat the signs of aging.

Immunity Strengthener

In addition to regular toxins and bacteria our immune systems have to fight off on a regular basis, our immunity has really been put to the test over the past few months. That’s why it’s important to take care of our bodies to ensure they’re as strong and resilient as possible and can fight off threats to our health.

Recovery & Performance Enhancer

IV nutrient therapy may also be used to accelerate recovery time after an injury or workout as well as improving athletic performance. Depending on the individual, IV therapy could help reduce inflammation and recover sore muscles more quickly, especially if the infusion consists of ingredients like Vitamin C, amino acids and other essential nutrients. 

Allergy & Inflammation Reducer

Some IV nutrition therapies can also be used to combat allergies and chronic pain. Potential benefits of using an infusion designed for these issues may include: alleviated stress, reduced pain, fewer migraines, more resistance to allergy-inducing irritants, improved immunity and more.


The Cons

Many patients find IV therapy to be beneficial, but it’s important to also consider some of the potential cons there may be before making your decision. Here are some of the most widely found cons associated with vitamin IV therapy.


Costly Pricing

Woman Making In-Person Credit Card Payment

Depending on the medical office and type of IV treatment used, IV therapy can be more on the expensive side. Many common infusions can range between $100 and $200 per treatment. 

While IV therapy does offer the immediate release of nutrients because it’s administered intravenously, there are other ways to absorb these nutrients, including drinking fluids, taking vitamins, etc. — which can be much cheaper and still very effective. Some may see the value in the investment, but for others on a tight budget, this may pose a problem if the price is too high.

Potential Vitamin or Mineral Overdose

As with many things in life, balance is key. If administered improperly or in excess, there may be a risk for health complications associated with vitamin or mineral overdose.

Healthline’s Lindsay Slowiczek, PharmD, says: “There’s the risk of getting ‘too much of a good thing’ with IV vitamin drips. It is possible to receive too much of a specific vitamin or mineral, which can increase the risk of adverse effects. For example, people with kidney disease cannot remove certain electrolytes and minerals from the body very quickly. People with certain heart or blood pressure conditions can also be at risk of fluid overload from the infusion. In general, excessive levels of vitamins and minerals can be hard on the organs and should be avoided.”

With vitamin IV therapy, it’s important that a licensed professional administers and monitors each patient’s treatment, as there’s always a risk of putting too much of any one vitamin or mineral into their system if not done correctly.

Risk of Infection

Any time an IV is administered, there will always be a risk for infection. This is because IVs open up a direct path into the bloodstream and don’t allow the body a chance to fight against any bacteria that may be entering the person’s system directly. Although infections are very uncommon in IV therapy, it’s still extremely important that a licensed professional administers the infusion and monitors it while in progress.


To Sum It Up

There are many important vitamin IV therapy pros and cons to consider before testing it out for yourself. The most important thing to do at this stage is: research (what you’re doing right now). Speak with your doctor to see if IV therapy is a good option for you, as they may be able to provide insight on any underlying vitamin or mineral deficiencies you may have that can be remedied by this form of treatment. They may also be able to tell you if you’re a person who could be at a higher risk of a negative reaction to the infusion. But most importantly, while you’re researching, ensure any potential medical offices or IV pharmacies you’d be using for IV therapy are professionals and licensed to administer the solution safely and effectively.


Want to continue your research and learn more about IV nutrient therapy?

Learn More About IV Therapy


Is IV Therapy Safe?

woman receiving IV therapy in sterile environment from licensed professional

Is IV Therapy Safe?

When it comes to IV nutrition therapy, many newcomers to this unique form of treatment have questions—most importantly: is IV vitamin therapy safe? 

If you’re considering taking advantage of IV nutrient therapy but aren’t yet sure about it, here are some important things to know about the benefits, risks, who the ideal candidates are for receiving treatment and other helpful information so you can make the most informed decision possible.


Are There Any Risks?

Nurse connecting an IV drip

First, it’s important to assess any potential risks you could encounter. IV treatment is very safe, but complications may occur if not administered correctly. 

As with any treatment that involves an IV, there’s always a risk of infection. Although it’s not very likely, if the infusion is improperly administered or if any non-sterile equipment is used, bacteria can be transmitted directly to your bloodstream and then spread quickly. While it doesn’t happen often, in order to best prevent infection, it’s important to speak with a licensed medical professional and ask them to walk you through the steps they take to ensure safe, healthy treatment for their patients every time.

Another potential risk—though it’s unlikely—is vitamin overdose. It’s an example of having “too much of a good thing.” While the nutrients used in IV vitamin therapy are good for you, it’s possible to have more in your system than your body can process. There are many different side effects people could experience when excess nutrients enter the body, but generally speaking, it can have a lasting impact on your internal organs.

Blood clots or vein inflammation are other risk factors to consider, although these can be addressed if monitored by a medical professional. As with any infusion, it’s important that a healthy dose is given and that each patient’s bodily reaction to the infusion is closely observed and managed.


Who Can Benefit Most From IV Vitamin Therapy?

Middle Aged Female Patient Leaning Back on Bed Receiving IV Treatment

There are many uses for vitamin IV nutrient therapy, so the short answer is: nearly anyone. Depending on what problem areas you’re looking to address, this form of treatment may benefit athletes who want to improve their performance or recovery time, people who struggle with allergies, older individuals who want more control over their age management, people experiencing frequent fatigue and more.

Anyone may benefit from IV vitamin therapy if they’re experiencing any deficiency of a particular vitamin or mineral. Most IV vitamin drips consist of ingredients like Vitamin B, Vitamin C, magnesium, essential amino acids, calcium, zinc and other similar natural nutrients that most people can easily absorb and benefit from.

The good news is that many formulas can be customized to suit your individual needs. Some are designed to combat dehydration and reduce inflammation, while others are created to help boost energy and improve recovery time from an injury or sore muscles. Once you know where to focus on for yourself, a medical professional can help determine the best type of nutrients that can help alleviate your problem areas.


Who Should Stay Away From It?

Anyone with a major pre-existing illness may not benefit from IV nutrient therapy. For instance, if someone has a heart condition, that person is at a higher risk for an overload of fluids as a result of the treatment. 

IV nutrient therapy has risks just like any medical treatment you might be considering. The best thing to do is consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional about your medical history and see if IV nutrient therapy is right for you.


What Should I Keep in Mind if I’m Considering IV Vitamin Therapy?

Older Male Patient Receiving IV

First, you’ll want to make sure you’re receiving treatment safely, so finding a licensed medical office that is reputable should be your first step.

You’ll also want to account for any current medications, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements. Although ingredients within most IV nutrient drips are safe to mix with other medications, it’s always good to double-check and make sure there are no risks with combining them.

Also, because this form of treatment isn’t typically covered by most insurance policies, anyone on a tight budget may struggle to afford frequent IV vitamin therapy sessions. Treatment varies in pricing depending on the medical office but generally ranges between $100 and $200 per treatment. 

Lastly, it’s important to know that there aren’t currently a lot of studies or published data that prove the direct effectiveness of IV nutrient therapies, although many patients attest to its benefits and continue to return for ongoing treatment. For those considering IV vitamin therapy, consult with a medical professional or IV pharmacy first to assess your current health needs and see how the right treatment could benefit you.


How Do I Learn More About IV Vitamin Therapy?

Olympia Compounding Pharmacy has a variety of resources available for you to get more information about this type of nutrient therapy. Here are some for you to explore:


To speak with someone directly at Olympia about our IV nutritional therapy, contact us today.

Get Started With IV Vitamin Therapy

Follow The Right Path: The Future of Compounding

man standing on a path and choosing between left and right

At Olympia, we understand the practicality and importance of both 503A and 503B compounding pharmacy capabilities. Each of these designations of compounders has an important role to fill in today’s compounding landscape. With two separate, state-of-the-art facilities, we support both patient-specific and office-use needs across the U.S. This enables our customers to comply with all national and state regulatory requirements while having a single-source pharmacy partner.

We’ve summarized the key points that define both of these designations, the important differences between them and how to utilize both for the success of your business.

503A Pharmacy: Patient-Specific Medications

The FDA has designated 503A compounding pharmacies as those that compound patient-specific prescriptions and are required by state boards of pharmacy to comply with USP <797> and other guidelines. These facilities are limited to dispensing patient medications for home use and are not allowed to compound large batches, like those used in clinics, hospitals and surgery centers.

Here are a few key things 503A compounders can offer for your patients and practice or business:

  • – Individualized and patient-specific medications
  • – Precision, customized formulations
  • – Enhanced patient care
  • – Multiple dosage forms

503B Outsourcing Facility: Bulk- and Office-Use Medications

The FDA has designated 503B compounding pharmacies as outsourcing facilities that may manufacture large batches, with or without prescriptions, to be sold to healthcare facilities, clinics, hospitals and similar premises for office use. These facilities manufacture medications under the very strict FDA and current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) guidelines.

503B compounding pharmacies have unique and key offerings for your patients and your business:

  • – In-office use/test dosing
  • – Extended beyond use dates
  • – Multi-dose use
  • – Sterile medications

Compliance: 503A, 503B and the USP

The FDA and USP both have strict guidelines as to how 503A and 503B pharmacies may operate. Compliance is key since millions of doctors and patients use these pharmacies every year. Here are just a few of the different regulations and rules pharmacies must comply with under the FDA and the US Pharmacopeia, or USP.

503A Compliance

503A pharmacies have a variety of regulations they must adhere to and be in compliance with. These standards and regulations are important in protecting the health of patients who use pharmacies every day.

To be in compliance, 503A pharmacies must:

  • – Comply with USP <795> and <797> along with state board of pharmacy regulations
  • – Perform environmental monitoring every six months
  • – Assign beyond use dating (BUD) when necessary based on internal or external scientific literature showing stability

503B Compliance

503B compounding pharmacies that provide patient-specific medications are held to much higher regulatory standards than 503A pharmacies. These facilities are required to maintain full compliance with CGMP.

To ensure standards, 503B pharmacies must:

  • – Comply with USP <795> and <797> along with state board of pharmacy regulations and 21 CFR Part 210 and 211 (CGMP)
  • – Develop and perform an environmental monitoring program at a minimum, per production shift in the ISO 5 primary compounding areas and weekly in the secondary compounding areas (ISO 7 and ISO 8)
  • – Maintain their own quality department as an independent entity of operations and sales with complete autonomy for investigations and releasing products
  • – Register with each state board of pharmacy, DEA (if applicable) and FDA and report their product list to FDA biannually


Staying in compliance with all federal and state regulations is critical for any medical facility, but pharmacies must be especially careful. The FDA, USP and states may all have different guidelines and regulations for how a compounding pharmacy may operate. That’s why we work with all of our customers across the U.S. as their single-source compounding pharmacy to stay in compliance, supporting both patient-specific and office-use needs.


Want to learn more? Olympia can help.

Info for Providers Info for Patients


What Is IV Nutrition Used For? 

Nurse applying an IV drip to a patient - what is IV nutrition

In an ideal world, we’d all drink enough fluids every day, eat enough nutritious foods with essential vitamins, be protected from environmental toxins and live in a stress-free environment at all times.

Unfortunately, many of us aren’t able to accomplish all that on a daily basis, though we may make strides trying.

Because of this, we need a solution that can help complement our efforts and provide the nutrition and care needed to be our healthiest selves.

That’s where IV vitamin therapy can come into play.

Here are some of the most common purposes IV nutrition is used for.

1. Hydration

Staying hydrated is important for a number of reasons, including:

  • – Regulating body temperature
  • – Keeping organs functioning properly
  • – Maintaining healthy skin
  • – Lubricating joints
  • – Preventing infections
  • – Getting quality sleep
  • – And more

Along with eating water-rich foods and drinking at least half a gallon of water per day, IV nutrition can be another great option for helping replenish fluids and combating fatigue. 

With IV nutrition kits like Quench—designed specifically for rehydration—people may experience the immediate effects of ascorbic acid, B-complex vitamins and a unique blend of minerals as they enter the body intravenously. 

Some of the potential benefits can include:

  • – Immune system detoxification
  • – Essential vitamin restoration
  • – Inflammation reduction
  • – Circulation improvement
  • – Energy restoration

2. Stronger Immunity

senior man smiling and holding basket of fresh produce while shopping at a market

Our immune systems have been tested this year more than ever before. On top of everyday toxins, germs and stresses we combat every day, we’ve had to face new threats to our immunity with an unprecedented cold and flu season.

That’s why it’s important to continuously take care of our immune systems to arm our bodies with the protection it needs to fight back. Some ways of doing that include:

Additionally, IV nutrition can help support these efforts. Loaded with zinc chloride, ascorbic acid and B-complex vitamins, IV therapy solutions like our Immunity IV Kit may help with:

  • – Protection against infection
  • – Speeding up healing time
  • – Reducing duration of illness symptoms

3. Recovery & Performance Improvement

Another way IV nutrition is commonly used is to help enhance athletic performance and speed up recovery time. Designed specifically with these benefits in mind, an IV kit like Olympia’s Recovery & Performance IV Kit can include possible benefits, such as: 

  • – Decreased recovery time for sore muscles after a workout
  • – Decreased recovery time after an injury
  • – Replenished essential nutrients
  • – Reduced inflammation
  • – Enhanced athletic performance 

Packed with vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, a blend of essential amino acids and a special mineral blend created by Olympia, this IV kit may be a great way to complement your efforts toward athletic performance improvement and reduced recovery time.

4. Allergy & Inflammation Relief

IV nutrition may also be used for allergies and ongoing pain. An IV therapy solution like our Myer’s Cocktail Premix is specially crafted with magnesium chloride, B-complex vitamins, Hydroxo-B12™, calcium gluconate and ascorbic acid to help alleviate allergy and chronic pain.

Some potential benefits of this IV kit include:

  • – Stress alleviation
  • – Improved immunity
  • – Restored balance
  • – Reduced chronic pain
  • – Fewer migraines
  • – Hydration

5. Age Management

Older woman with white shirt on smiling while tilting her head to the side

When it comes to age management, there are many treatments available that may help reduce some of the negative effects of aging in both men and women.

Olympia’s Inner Beauty IV Kit offers an assortment of essential ingredients that can bring out skin’s radiance and natural glow, including ascorbic acid, B-complex vitamins and biotin

Some of the potential benefits of this kit are:

  • – Strengthened hair and nails
  • – Reduced wrinkles
  • – Radiant, hydrated skin

Find out more about IV nutritional therapy and the many customizable IV pharmacy solutions available at Olympia Compounding Pharmacy by contacting us today!

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5 Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy for Senior Citizens

Nurse connecting IV vitamin therapy drip to senior patient

When it comes to the vitamins and nutrients our bodies require to be in the best condition possible, the truth is—we don’t always get everything we need from foods and oral supplements. 

That’s where IV nutritional therapy can come into play. Intended to complement a healthy diet and active lifestyle, this form of therapy may offer a variety of benefits, from improving recovery time after an injury to helping strengthen your immune system.

Is IV Nutritional Therapy for Senior Citizens?

Female Nurse Smiling While Adjusting IV Nutritional Therapy Drip

One misconception about IV nutritional therapy is that it’s only meant for younger adults. But that’s not true! Adults of various ages can experience the many IV vitamin therapy benefits it has to offer. Here are some of the benefits older adults may experience as a result of IV nutritional therapy.

Benefit #1: IV vitamin therapy can help improve your overall well-being.

IV vitamin therapy benefits can range from fewer headaches and improved immunity to reduced anxiety and a variety of others in between. Many patients choose to take advantage of IV nutritional therapy for the benefit of boosting their immune systems. 

For older adults and people with serious underlying medical conditions, maintaining a healthy immune system is important now more than it ever has been. Learn more about Olympia Compounding Pharmacy’s Immunity IV Kit today to see how it could help build up your immune system today.

Benefit #2: IV vitamin therapy works quickly.

Closeup of blood cells in the vein

Another major IV vitamin therapy benefit is that you may start to feel the effects of the treatment nearly instantly. Other vitamin-enriched medications and foods that are taken orally have to go through the digestive system and can take some time to absorb into the body. Because IV vitamin therapy is performed intravenously, it goes directly into the bloodstream, which allows quick absorption of nutrients into the body.

Benefit #3: It can help contribute to healthy weight loss.

Losing weight can be challenging for anybody. But it can be especially more challenging for older adults to lose weight, as metabolisms start slowing and muscle mass starts reducing—even for those who remain physically active.

IV nutritional therapy can help with weight loss in a few ways:

  • – Hydration: Hydration can be a huge factor in weight loss, as it helps boost your metabolism, suppresses appetite and cleanses the body of toxins. See how our Quench IV Kit could help you rehydrate, detox and restore essential vitamins.
  • – Sleep: Lack of sleep has repeatedly been reported as a factor in weight gain. For some, even while staying strict to a diet and frequent exercise, lack of sleep was a major factor that prevented them from losing weight. Adults should get between 7–9 hours of sleep per night, depending on each individual’s needs.
  • – Vitamin Absorption: As mentioned, when the body is able to absorb nutrients 100% through the bloodstream, it’s getting what it needs to perform at its best. When you’re able to recover quicker after a workout, the next session can start sooner and you can push harder—helping to speed up your metabolism and facilitate weight loss.

Benefit #4: It may help reduce the effects of aging.

Older woman smiling and looking her face in the bathroom mirror while touching wrinkles on forehead

IV vitamin therapy can also help with quenching skin from the inside out. At Olympia, we offer an IV kit called Inner Beauty, which is designed for just that: bringing out your skin’s natural glow, reducing wrinkles and making your skin look its most radiant. It’s packed with ascorbic acid, B-complex vitamins and biotin—all essential nutrients for maintaining healthy skin and blood cells.

Benefit #5: It can be a good source for an energy boost.

Lack of energy can be caused by a number of things: low B12 levels, stress, lack of sleep, electrolyte imbalances and more. IV drips help combat these issues, as they are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, which reduces the need to turn to other (often unhealthy) energy supplements like coffee, energy drinks, soda, etc. One major IV vitamin therapy benefit you may see is that it can help fight fatigue and improve circulation, improving your overall energy levels and metabolism.

Find out more about our Get-Up-And-Go IV Kit, which is specially designed to help boost your metabolism and restore energy.


To learn more about IV vitamin therapy benefits and what IV pharmacy solutions Olympia Compounding Pharmacy has to offer, contact us today!

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Quick Facts About Trimix Injections

TriMix Injection Bottle with Needle Laying Across Top

Trimix is a prescribed, injectable erectile dysfunction medication consisting of three active ingredients – alprostadil, papaverine and phentolamine. Together, these three medications help to relax, expand, and fill the corpus cavernosum (erectile tissue) with blood, resulting in an erection shortly after administration.

Unlike oral ED medications, Trimix injections are localized to the intended area rather than having to flow through the bloodstream into other areas of the body. Trimix is self-administered and easy to perform in the comfort of your own home.


Trimix is indicated in the treatment of males with erectile dysfunction. This injectable medication is for patients unsuitable for the oral medication prostaglandin E1.

What 3 Medications Are Combined to Form Trimix Injections?

  • – Papaverine: This is a vasodilator that helps to expand the blood vessels. When injected into the penile tissue, papverine causes the smooth muscles to relax. In turn, this allows blood to flow through the corpus cavernosum resulting in an erection.
  • – Alprostadil: Also known as prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), alprostadil is a naturally occurring prostaglandin used as a medication. This medication is also within the vasodilator class. It, too, is used to help open the blood vessels by relaxing the smooth muscles within the penis. Alprostadil is listed on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines and was isolated in 1957 and approved for medical use in the United States in 1981.
  • – Phentolamine: This medication is a reversible nonselective a-adrenergic antagonist. Phentolamine‘s primary action is vasodilation. Because it is a nonselective a-blocker, this medication also increases cardiac output.

Trimix is a medication that is very customizable to the patient’s needs. In order to receive the most effective results, it is imperative that the patient, provider, and pharmacy work together in determining the correct formula.

Be aware that it is possible that the first few administrations of Trimix may not deliver the individual’s satisfactory result. Increasing the dosage little by little will help reach the individual patient’s goal. To do this, the initial dose should be 0.05cc (mL) to 0.2cc (mL), depending on the level of the patient’s ED. Max dose is 0.50cc (mL). Always contact your provider before increasing your dosage.


The use of Trimix injections is contraindicated in patients with allergies to any components in this medication, sickle cell anemia, blood clotting disorders, any condition that can predispose you to priapism (a painful erection lasting more than 4 hours), leukemia, anatomical deformations of the penis, penile implants, and if you have direct instructions from your physician to abstain from sexual activity.

It is important to provide your healthcare provider with a list of all drugs that you are currently using. This includes all non-prescription drugs, illegal drugs, herbal, and dietary supplements. Some chemicals within Trimix injections can interact with your medication, causing them to become ineffective or leave you with adverse effects.

Related reading: 5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About ED

Common Side Effects of Trimix:

  • – Pain: This is very minimal though as there are not many nerve endings in the area of injection.
  • – Bleeding: This could be due to the angle administered or possible may result from hitting a tiny blood vessel. If this occurs, apply pressure until bleeding has stopped. Do not engage in sexual activity until bleeding has ceased.
  • – Infection: Good hygiene always prevents this. Make sure the area is clean and use alcohol swabs just prior to administering the injection. Always be sure to wash your hands before and after administration.
  • – Priapism: This can be a painful erection lasting longer than 4 hours. This is a medical emergency. If unseen, the tissue can become damaged and the effects may be irreversible. If your erection lasts for more than 2 hours, take 2 – 4 pseudoephedrine tablets only once. You should then apply an ice pack. If this erection still persists after another hour, seek immediate medical attention.

While using Trimix injections, if you experience any swelling, numbness, tenderness, redness, and lumps on your penis or its surrounding areas, make sure to contact your provider immediately. Learn more about the side effects of Trimix injections.

Want more information about Trimix? View our full guide online.

Ready to buy Trimix injections online?
Contact Olympia Pharmaceuticals to help you get started.


How to Get a Prescription for Trimix Online: A Guide for Patients & Physicians

Olympia Compounding Pharmacy Providers - How to Buy TriMix Injections Online

Navigating the process of getting a prescription for Trimix online and then purchasing it can seem complicated. However, with a clear set of instructions, you’ll find it’s quite straightforward.

Here’s a simple guide to help you (or your patients) discover how buy Trimix injections online from Olympia Pharmaceuticals, featuring step-by-step instructions for patients and physicians, and essential information about cost and storage.

How to Buy Trimix Injections Online: Instructions for Patients

1. Discuss Trimix with Your Physician

Trimix injections have been proven to be an effective and cost-efficient treatment for many men struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED). Consult your doctor to determine if Trimix is the right treatment for you.

2. Obtain and Submit Your Prescription

All ED medications, including Trimix, require a prescription from a licensed physician, usually your primary care provider or a urologist. Ask your physician to fax your prescription to Olympia Pharmacy at 407-673-1234.

3. Receive Your Trimix Injections

After placing your order with Olympia Pharmaceuticals, we will contact you to secure payment and shipping information. You also have the option to download a credit card form, complete it, and fax it along with your prescription.

Note: If you don’t have a doctor or prefer a telemedicine option, we offer this service. Simply fill out our online contact form, and a staff member will contact you to schedule a phone appointment with a licensed telemedicine physician. Please note there is an additional fee for this service of $59, payable directly to the physician. Learn more and get started below.

Man unpacking a box of TriMix injections he ordered online

How Much Do Trimix Injections Cost?

While ED pills generally cost between $20 to $40 per dose, Trimix offers a more affordable alternative. Depending on the compounding pharmacy and the dosage strength, Trimix can cost as little as $3 to $6 per dose (effective dose varies per patient). It’s worth noting that most insurance companies do not cover this medication, as it’s custom compounded.

Storage Tips

Trimix injections need to be refrigerated. Your shipment will arrive with ice packs, and although these may melt during transit, your medication will remain effective.

Upon receiving your Trimix injections, store all but one vial in the freezer. As the current vial begins to run low, transfer a new one from the freezer to the refrigerator. This ensures you always have a ready supply. Consider this your prompt to refill your prescription.

How to Get Trimix Injections Online as a Physician

1. Place an Order for Your Patients

To order Trimix from Olympia Pharmaceuticals for your patients, download and print our Trimix Prescription Form. After filling it out and signing, fax the prescription to Olympia Pharmacy at 407-673-1234.

2. Have Your Orders Shipped Directly to Patients

After you’ve placed your order, the Olympia Pharmacy team will receive your prescription(s) and ship the medication directly to your patients.

3. Open a Physician Account

To streamline the process for future orders, consider opening a physician account with Olympia Pharmaceuticals. Contact us for more details on setting up your account.

Physician using a laptop to buy TriMix online for a patient

Visit our Trimix guide for answers to common questions both patients and physicians may have about Trimix injections. And if you need any further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Olympia Pharmaceuticals. We’re always here to help.

Ready to buy Trimix injections online?
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